This op-ed by CRJ President and CEO John Larivee and Massachusetts Communities Action Network Co-Director Lew Finfer originally appeared in the Aug. 24 edition of the Jamaica Plain Gazette:
In push for reentry funding, Legislature stepped up
In the final flurry of important and worthwhile legislation making its way through the Legislature this session, lawmakers deserve special recognition for making sure critical funding for reentry programs that help change the lives and build the futures of men and women transitioning from incarceration to the community did not fall by the wayside.
The Conference Committee budget recommendation included $5 million to establish a competitive grant program under the Office of the Commissioner of Probation that will allow non-profit organizations to seek funding for community-based residential reentry programs. And when Gov. Baker vetoed half of that funding, both the House – led by Ways & Means Chairman Jeffrey Sánchez – and Senate rallied opposition that led to successful votes to override the veto and keep the full funding intact.
Click here to read the full op-ed on the JP Gazette’s website.