CRJ’s Community Strategies Department opened it 28th, 29th and 30th programs in October and November.
The Marlborough, Mass., program will support five men under funding of the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS). The men will be supported to find employment and to participate in activities designed to involve them in the local community.
“The opening went very smoothly,” said Bill Coughlin. “The staff under the leadership of Assistant Department Director Yemi Payne and Program Manager Shianne Moore has done a great job.”
In November, Community Strategies opened a program in Fitchburg, Mass., designed to support five women. This residence also operates under a contract with the Massachusetts DDS. Employment and vocational education will be the emphasis as well. The Fitchburg residence will be under the oversight of Janet Kachadoorian, CS Assistant Director. Helena Miles will be the Program Manager.
“We did something a little different in opening the Fitchburg Residence. Normally, we introduce the individual into their new surroundings one at a time. In opening Fitchburg, the women all arrived on the same day,” said Coughlin. “It has gone very smoothly.”
“Opening a new program takes a great deal of teamwork,” added Michelle McCormick, associate department director for CS-Massachusetts. “The Business Development Division worked very hard to find the house and decorate it. Our Facilities Department negotiated for the real estate and made necessary renovations. And we involved others on our management team to make sure that we applied the best practices from previous openings”
Also, in November, Community Strategies opened its first residence funded by a contract with the Connecticut Department of Developmental Services.
“We have been operating a program in Windsor, Connecticut, for more than a year under contract with Connecticut Department of Children and Families. We are delighted to now be working with Connecticut DDS on this new program,” said Randi Mundell, Community Strategies Assistant Director for CT.
The Simsbury residence will support three women. Jeremiah Baker is the program coordinator for both our Windsor and Simsbury residences.